This is a sample MySQL store procedure where I loop in all rows in a table and then I update each row with a UUID().
DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE dwdata.puFCTableGUIDs() BEGIN /* -- Declare variables used just for cursor and loop control */ DECLARE no_more_rows BOOLEAN; DECLARE loop_cntr INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE num_rows INT DEFAULT 0; /* declare variables to hold table values */ DECLARE doc_id INT DEFAULT 0; /* Lets create a cursor for building a list */ DECLARE CursorLoop CURSOR FOR SELECT DWDOCID FROM dwdata.pe_docs_mysql; /* Declare 'handlers' for exceptions */ DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET no_more_rows = TRUE; /* 'open' the cursor and capture the number of rows returned */ /* (the 'select' gets invoked when the cursor is 'opened') */ OPEN CursorLoop; select FOUND_ROWS() into num_rows; /** Start the loop **/ the_loop: LOOP FETCH CursorLoop INTO doc_id; /* Check the loop*/ IF no_more_rows THEN CLOSE CursorLoop; LEAVE the_loop; END IF; /* Update the table*/ update dwdata.pe_docs_mysql set contact = UUID() where dwdocid = doc_id; END LOOP the_loop; END; //