The 25 Most Common Passwords

Here are the 25 most common passwords of 2013, along with the change in rank from last year. 1. 123456 (Up 1) 2. password (Down 1) 3. 12345678 (Unchanged) 4. qwerty (Up 1) 5. abc123 (Down 1) 6. 123456789 (New) 7. 111111 ( Up 2) 8. 1234567 (Up 5) 9. iloveyou (Up 2) 10. adobe123 (New) 11. 123123 (Up 5) 12. admin (New) 13. 1234567890 (New) 14. letmein (Down 7) 15. photoshop (New) 16. 1234 (New) 17. monkey (Down…

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Stop Google+ Users From Emailing You on Gmail

1. Sign into Gmail and Google+ using your universal login details. 2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner, then click on “Settings.” 3. Find the “Email via Google+” option (ninth down from the top). 4. Next to the question of “Who can email you via your Google+ profile?” click the drop-down menu to choose: anyone on Google+, extended circles, circles, or no one. That is all! Image:

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Scam Alert – New Domain Appraisal Scam:

Few days ago a scammer trying to use one of the oldest and most effective scams in the book, the Domain Appraisal Scam. This scam works when the scammer sends you an email indicating they would like to buy your domain name. You get all excited and send back a price, magically they agree, but first they want to see an appraisal from a “trusted” source. The scammer wanted to buy and he did not care the price….

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DNSChanger Virus – Fixes and Resources

Your computer may have been modified by criminals to redirect your Internet traffic to their websites or track your Internet Activities. Here some resources where you can check and fix DNSChanger virus: (Check to see if the computer is affected) (Detect – Fix – Protect) <<<– Good one!!! (GREEN Your computer appears to be looking up IP addresses correctly!) The FBI is snipping a cyber safety net on Monday that kept thousands of computer users online…

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How to Setup Firefox to use Windows Authentication

  If you have an ASP.NET application that is behind an IIS Web Server and it configured to use Windows authentication or what they called trusted login. Typically you can download a plugin for Firefox and it will help you perform windows authentication automatically. What if you are not allowed install any plugin or don’t want to use any plugin. When you try to connect to a ASP.NET application via Windows authentication it will display they following error message:…

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