I am creating an AddIn for Outlook and I want to create DateTimePicker where I want to select a Time in interval of 30 minutes. In KeyDown event where the user presses up or down it will increment or decrement the time in interval of 30 minutes.
Topic Overview Division in C# follows standard “integer division” rules when done with integer types. Many things are implicitly cast from narrow types to wider types. You can explicitly cast from one type to another by putting the type you want in parentheses in front (float a = (float)3.4948393;) Division by zero causes an exception to be thrown for integer types, and results in infinity for floating point types. NaN, PositiveInfinity, and NegativeInfinity are defined for the float and double types (float.NaN or Double.PositiveInfinity for example)….
LINQ to SQL in C# – Cheat Sheet Database context & database create var db = new MyDataContext(@”server=.\SQLEXPRESS;database=my;integrated security=SSPI”); if (!db.DatabaseExists()) db.CreateDatabase(); Select one Insert var only = db.Customers.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustID == “CHIPS”); var first = db.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustID == “CHIPS”); var customer = new Customer() { CustID = “CHIPS”, CompanyName = “Mr. Chips” }; db.Customers.InsertOnSubmit(customer); db.SubmitChanges(); – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
In a Nutshell Arithmetic in C# is very similar to virtually every other programming language out there, particularly C++, C, and Java. Addition works like this: int a = 3 + 4; Subtraction works like this: // int b = 7 – 2; Multiplication uses the asterisk character (‘*’) like this: //int c = 4 * 3; Division uses the forward slash character (‘/’) like this: int d = 21 / 7; The modulus operator (‘%’) gets the remainder of a…
C# is a strongly-typed language. Before a value can be stored in a variable, the type of the variable must be specified, as in the following examples: int a = 1; string s = “Hello”; XmlDocument tempDocument = new XmlDocument(); Note that the type must be specified both for simple, built-in types such as an int, and for complex or custom types such as XmlDocument. C# includes support for the following built-in data types: Data Type Range byte 0…
C# has lots of flexibility over manipulating with bits. Before I start explaining about bit wise manipulation I would like to give some inputs on binary operations. Binary numbers With only two symbols you can represent any type of information you want, these symbols can be {a,b}, {0,1} or the {beep, beeeep} of the Morse code. When you want to work with boolean (1) expressions or place multiple values in a single byte (group of 8 bit), it is…