SELECT columns using the LIKE keyword

Using the WHERE clause to return on the records in the Employee table where the employees are a manager of some type. This example uses the % character for any number of characters. Using the LIKE keyword to return records from the Person table where users’ first names end in “ary”. This example uses the _ characters to represent a single character. Using the LIKE keyword to return records from the Person table where users’ first names end in…

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Selecting Domain from Email Address

Recently I came across a quick need where I needed to retrieve domain of the email address. The email address is in the database table. I quickly wrote following script which will extract the domain and will also count how many email addresses are there with the same domain address.

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Microsoft SQL Insert Trigger to Get Current Datetime Value

This script gets the datetime value in this format MM/DD/YYYY:HR:MI:SSPM or AM. I could have used the CAST or CONVERT option but the did not reproduce the result that I wanted.  There are some option in CONVERT option but they converts into a 24hr format. Here is my trigger for insert event. USE dwdata GO /* —————————————————————————–, Version 1.0, Creation Date: 11/05/2014 Functionality: Generate Datetime values into a text field —————————————————————————– */ if exists (select * from sysobjects…

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Determing SQL Server Table Size within a Database

A common problem that I have recently encountered was trying to identity which table within a database was the biggest one (in record size), therefore, taking up the most physical storage space. I found and modify this store procedure to work with MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 2005, and MSSQL 2008  that will perform all needed data calls and will return a result set with the data on all tables. T-SQL Code:   USE DWDATA GO CREATE PROCEDURE GetAllTableSizes AS /* Obtains spaced used data for ALL user tables in the database */…

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